Currently humming: "Til the Storm Passes By"
LAST DAY OF CLASSES!!! WOOHOO! All I have left is exams. I need to go pick up a study guide for 402 tomorrow. I've already printed my psych guide, I've written alot of notes for the 102, and I just need formulas written down for physics. So today's gonna be pretty easy. Plus, since psychology is over, I get to go to the service project tonight! Now that school is over, I'm reminded that my parents' computer is "past its prime" (to put it lightly), so there's going to be about a month long period from getting home to getting a laptop that I won't be able to check e-mail or post on my blogs. In fact, how do I get internet for my laptop? I'm fairly certain I'll be using the wireless connection on campus, but what about before then? I know just enough about computers to make my parents think I know it all. Then they come to me with questions I can't answer. When that happens, I tell them to reset it. To put my parents' computer in perspective. Let's look at the specs: my laptop will have TEN TIMES as much hard drive space. Yes, my parents' computer has 6 GB of hard drive. It gets annoying when this little box pops up and says we've run out of memory. I think it's just stopped trying now. My mom tells me it won't do anything anymore...
hey eric. just thought id let ya know about the computer...aside from today it doesnt start anymore. if u leave it just turns off and the power button doesnt turn it back on. kinda weird i know. just thought i would fill ya in.