Running a good pace
Published Saturday, April 30, 2005 by Eric | E-mail this post
Curretly listening to: "All my Life" by Caedmon's Call
So I'm downstairs in the CSC, slowly workikng on the last couple sets of buildings. I've didvided the list into six sets of five, so I can visualize a graph of te dates for each set... It may sound weird, but it works for me. Zach just gave me another two CDs, so I'm up to 12, form my original 5 that I started with at the beginning of the semester. I've noticed people aren't posting as much, maybe due to finals. I seem to be the only one left... As if everyone else is locked away studying. I am too, but I post between studying. I guess... Okay, I admit it. I'm posting as an excuse not to study. I've met my quota for the hour. I deserve a break. If I keep this pace up, I won't burn out, nor slack off. It's the perfect medium.
Okay, I'm going go not study. Later.
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