The lamentations of an architecture student, the joy of a christian, and the laughs of a guy who just likes life.

Spring break homework

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Currently listening to: "See the Glory" by Steven Curtis Chapman

Okay, Blogger has fixed my blog. I'm no longer labeled "robot." Hoorah. Not alot else going on. Spring break is a much needed rest, but I haven't been able to just kick back. I've got tons of readings to fight through. There's a paper I need to write on them, so I need to pick up the pace. Crazy ole' Le Corbusier. Architecture professors see Corb as their messiah, I think. Like, he could put a rock on another and say "BEHOLD! Today a new epoch has arrived!" Then architects everywhere would run up to the rocks and make up complicated explanations on their meaning. Books would be published about the thought behind the two rocks. Said books would then become required reading for weary architecture students. But what's this? People are starting to come to their senses! "Wait, is Corb really that awesome?"But before anything sets in, Corb jams a stick into the mud and calls it an architectural revolution. People are mesmerized again.

This week, I plan to film our annual sock-puppet show. Back in the day, our shows were done live, mostly improvised. Our western (Camp '02), pirate (Mini-camp '03), medieval (Camp '03), and space (Camp '04) shows were all hits with the fans. Last summer (Camp '05), we did a three-part show, each one filmed and edited. That was our spy-themed show. This year, I'm feeling Indiana Jones. Ideas are already popping in my head. And the best part? This time I'll be able to put it online to be viewed by the internet! Woot.

I've been doing some game development. I think Adam and I abandoned our magent idea. But this one's better anyway. If I can figure out how to make an installer, I'll post it.

Guess I better get back to reading. Need to finish my copy of Two-rock Plaza and the Vertical Stick Experiment.

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  • I'm Eric
  • From Gallatin, TN
  • I'm a computer science major at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. I hang out at the Christian Student Center alot, and I like hanging out with friends.
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