Spring-type weather
Published Saturday, March 11, 2006 by Eric | E-mail this post
Currently listening to: "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" by Relient K

The weather outside is great today! I rode all the way to the CSC with the window down and radio up. This being my first spring at Redbud, I found that James White is lined with buttercups. 'Twas a good ride down the highway.
Got my test back the other day... I haven't looked at the grade. I took extra caution in averting my eyes. If I saw it, I'd probably just be fretting over the course. I suppose this is the best way to avoid any unnecessary stress.
Well, I'd post more, but I need to go pick up Zach. I drove him home last night since he was too tired. Now his car's still here...
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