Items of interest
Published Sunday, December 04, 2005 by Eric | E-mail this post
Currently listening to: "One Minute to Zero" by Holland
Hey everybody! Guess what?! I have been approved for Let's Start Talking. You know all those times that you thought "man, Eric. That is such an awesome post, I wish I could give you my money." Well now you're dream has come true. It is a new day. A brighter day. A day... where you can help me go on a mission trip to Somewhere. Just a-clicky click
Every year, around this time, when the semester draws to a close, I get bombarded with difficult questions. "Hey, Eric. What do you want for Christmas?" I always find myself at a loss for an answer. My parents always give me that question, and the result is always the same: "Uh... I dunno."
I always try to think of what I want, but never come up with a tangible list. Not since those early years, when anything will suffice as long as it makes noise and has a really big box. I thought about asking for Photoshop CS, but it would be awkward. As a student, I can get it for a few hundred dollars. That puts them at a disadvantage in the element of surprise.
I've been surfing the web, looking for the coolest stuff. Here's tonight's items of potential interest:

need to get 2 checks to LST but when I click on print out a donation form it doesn't go to the link maybe you can help. MOM